Friday, August 28, 2015

Teacher Blog - Student Start of Year Thoughts

This week I asked the kids to think about one thing that they have already learned, found interesting, been surprised by, or are excited to learn about this year? These are some of their responses.

Abhi - I am excited for enrichment.

Amanda - I am excited to learn about California.

Britney -  l learned that in the desert region, the weather fluctuates at night and at day. I also learned that there could be gas drilling, borax mining, and some type of farming in the desert.

Carissa - I am excited to learn astronomy because I want to explore the universe and learn all the black holes and I get to be with Mrs.Tabb.

Chase - I was surprised to do collages this year and I thought is was fun and interesting.

Deonta - I want to learn cursive and math.

Hudson - I think the school year is awesome so far. I also think that rounding thousands is cool.

James - I am excited to learn about the missions.

Justin - I am excited about learning about the Gold Rush.

Lauren - I am excited about art because its fun and I like art.

Lauryn - I learned how do a screen shot the whole page and how to screen shot a part of the page. I always wanted to know how to screen shot and now I know how.

Meghana - I'm excited to learn division because I love MATH!

Natalie - We are going to learn about the stars and how many there are. I am thinking that there is way more than one million.

Rylan - It was fun when we hid in the classroom to surprise Natalie. I learned that California has 4 regions. Our city is in the Central Valley region.

Sean - I like that we're doing electives and I'm doing stop motion.

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