Friday, April 8, 2016

Student Story: The Foxes of Veece "Chapter 2: The Opal Stone"

By Audrey R.
Chapter 2: The Opal stone
The three foxes approached the den entrance.
“Hello,” rasped the first fox. “I am Kiovod, the leader of the Schooling Society. We’ve come to take Geo to give him special schooling. Bring him here!”
Geo sprang up and scurried over to the three foxes.
“Me?!” he squealed. “ME!”
“Yes,” said Kiovod, annoyed. “Come with us.”
“Okay!” exclaimed Geo enthusiastically.
“Told ya he was enthusiastic!” whispered Vidomak to Lunavod. Lunavod turned away from him and completely ignored him.
Geo’s mother was at the market, so he left her a note. It said:
Deer Muthr,
I m owt on a jernee with uther foxes. Tha r takeing me to scul. C U laetr. At scul I will lurn hou to spel.
Geo was most excited on learning how to spell words. Because, as you can see, he’s not a good speller.
Geo was a grey fox, but he also had some wolfish features, but did not notice.
The three foxes and Geo walked off towards a wall.
“How do we get to the other side?” Geo asked.
Now that was a genius question, stupendous even, unless you had the stones.
“We’ll get across with my opal stone,” said Kiovod simply. He unruffled his fur to reveal an anklet with an opal stone.
“A psychic stone!” gasped Geo.
“Yes,” Kiovod answered. “I shall-no, you shall wear the stone and concentrate hard enough to make a psychic ladder that we can climb. Here!” Kovod handed the stone over to Geo.
“Concentrate… Ladder… Concentrate…” Geo murmured. A few minutes later, a small blue ladder appeared. “You can take the stone back.”
“No!” shouted Kiovod, pushing the stone hard to keep it on Geo’s ankle. “If you remove the stone, the ladder will dissolve into thin air!”
Geo quickly adjusted the stone around his ankle and then started climbing the misty blue ladder. Surprisingly, it was solid. The three foxes climbed after Geo. When they reached the top of the wall, the ladder dissolved into mist.
“I thought only when you took the stone off the psychic object would disappear…”Geo whispered.
“It also dissolves when the psychic object is no use anymore,” explained Kiovod. Geo gave the stone back to Kiovod.
Then, the wind started blowing harshly. It started to rain.  The constant pit-pat of rain rung in Geo’s ears.
“Not good traveling weather, especially for jumping,” remarked Kiovod. “Hey, Vidomak, is that a granite stone you have?”

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